MCM– on the control unit MCM the most common faults are injector failure, EGR valve error (power supply to the AGR valve, CAN communication with the EGR valve), lost communication (there is no MCM control unit on diagnostics) …

We are pleased to note that we can FIX all the faults we have listed (and others that are not so common, so we did not mention them).

There are several types of hardware MCM:

MCM, MCM2, MCM2.1 (unlocked), MCM 2.1 (locked HW: D2; HW: D3), MCM 2.1 (locked HW: D4).

MCM cannot be switched from one vehicle to another because its software includes an IMMOBILIZER.

Unlocked MCM models can be cloned (data from the old control unit is read with certain tools) and written into a new or used working control unit. In this way, the control unit is just replaced and the truck has to start.

MCM models that are locked must be adapted to the vehicle with special tools, they cannot be cloned.