Key programming for Mercedes with MR and MCM
Mercedes IMMO off in MR, FR, CPC
Mercedes MCM, TCM unpairing (with tokens)
MCM, TCM pairing with EIS
EIS (electronic ignition switch) read/write flash
Key programming to MAN FFR and PTM
MAN IMMO off in FFR and PTM (with tokens)
IMMO pairing EDC17+PTM (with tokens)
IVECO VCM2 IMMO pin code calculation
Update/support subscription for 12 months is included.
Warranty for hardware is 12 months.
Availability to run operations for tokens: Operation prices in tokens
Included Tokens: 700
25% VAT not included.
Included licenses
License MB KEYS – Key programming for Mercedes truck (MR) by OBDKey programming on PLD (MR). IMMO OFF on MR and FR/CPC
License MR+ – MB MR; MB KEYS; MB CALC functionality with PLD MCU XC2287, XC2288H. Supported Firmware: 22B; 23E; 24B, 23F; 24C; 25B, 30C, 25C, 31B
License SFTP KEYS – EIS/MCM/TCM keys operations added: ‘Read keys info’; MCM/TCM ‘Unpairing’ (Online, DC mode only); MCM/TCM ‘Pairing’ (Offline, OBD) (600 tokens included). Transponder key programming to MCM (offline)
License EIS ISP – SFTP EIS Read/Write Flash&EEPROM by DC2U in ISP mode. D70F3628
License MAN KEYS – Key programming for MAN trucks FFR or PTM over OBD or DC2, Paring by OBD: EDC7U32+FFR, EDC7U32+PTM, MS6.x+FFR, Paring by DC2 with cable: EDC7U32+FFR, EDC7U32+PTM
License IVECO CALC – IVECO VCM2 PIN calculation by DC2
License DC2 – Operations by Direct Connection 2 tool (DC2, DC2M, DC2U).
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